Additional Services
Annual Exam
This is an important exam focused on prevention. We review the recommendations by the Center for Disease Control with you for your age and make vaccine and testing recommendations. We will review your yearly lab screening, EKG if appropriate and urinalysis to screen for blood or protein or infection. We might perform either the yearly prostate or breast exam at that time. We will schedule pap smears at appropriate intervals if needed for women. Many insurances do not require that you pay copay at this visit. Many insurances may discount your monthly premium if you are proactive and performing annual exams at your doctor’s office.
At Home Sleep Study
We now offer at home sleep study for our patients that may have sleep issues. Patients are quickly trained how to hook up and run this simple device prior to sleeping at home in their own bed. We find that this is a much more comfortable process than spending the night at a sleep lab.
Fluzone and high dose fluzone vaccine *for seniors over 65 (who must have flu shots because they are at highest risk of being hospitalized or dying due to flu)
*Sage Medicine offers mercury free single dose vial injections for the safety of our patients
For active immunization of persons 6 months of age and older against influenza disease caused by influenza virus subtypes A and type B contained in the vaccine. Each year the scientists try to predict the 3 or 4 most dangerous influenza viruses that will circulate and create a new vaccine so this vaccine is given yearly between September through end of season as late as April. The patients who receive the flu vaccine are less likely to get the flu and if they do get the flu, they are less likely to be hospitalized or die of the flu.
Pneumovax 23 & Prevnar 13
For vaccinations of all adults 65 years of age and older and anyone 2 through 64 years of age with special chronic conditions or in special environments or settings that place them at risk for potentially life threatening pneumococcal pneumonia or pneumococcal sepsis.
All persons should receive a primary vaccine series, ideally during childhood, of tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis vaccine. Following completion of a primary series, a booster dose of tetanus- containing vaccine should be given every 10 years to maintain immunity against tetanus however some insurances are only covering Tdap under preventative health care coverage. The Tetanus/diphtheria vaccine is often given after cut, puncture wound or dirty abrasion. Medicare plans do not cover this vaccine.
Tdap (Adacel)
Tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis preventative vaccine
For persons 11 through 64 and adults ages 65 years and older who have or who anticipate having close contact with an infant less than 12 months of age and who previously have not received Tdap. This vaccine is being covered by most insurances except Medicare under preventative health care coverage and is given to prevent tetanus as well.